Kaushik Kannan

Nov 29, 20196 min

OMR or ECR? The result will shock you! 😱 & The Best Networking Events in Chennai #FindYourTribe

Weekend: November Fourth Week

Aaannndddd we have a winner! 🎉

Lol and this is not even me talking, this was all of you who voted! So much for the uproar I had for face for my favoritism towards OMR! 😂

Showkali: So that's it? You made us wait a week just to say this!?

Haha, no no! Chill, we're getting to the good stuff! Even though the stats are very evident, let's broadly discuss on livelihood.

Is OMR better or ECR better to live in!?

What are the factors you'd consider for livelihood!? Umm, food? Stay? Hangout spots? Let's go with these for starters.

Which has better food, OMR or ECR?

Showkali: Kaushik, I can't wait to see how many people you're going to tick off with this section.

Listen, my opinions are very genuine and everyone knows that it's true okay!

This indeed is a tricky one. Both the Old Mahabalipuram Road and the East Coast Road offer tons of choices when it comes to food. Where do I even start!?

Umm what do you guys have on the ECR? You guys literally have an OMR Food street on the ECR. That is the state of the ECR. Need I really say more? 😂😂

There are indeed some very good options though. I mean it's a battle in which both sides have too much ammo to exhaust. Be it the small snack bars, kai endhi bhavans, Moor Thatha of the ECR, Cycle Tea annas of the OMR we are almost equally matched. Almost!

It's just as the saying goes, close but no cigar!

Showkali: Justu miss ah? But for who!?

For ECR of course dummy! 😂😂

Well, but I'm sure you guys agree with me here. The amount of variety and choice the OMR offers cannot be found on the ECR. There are some very good places on the ECR like Thoondil, Gossip Cafe, Kipling Cafe and KoKoMo but pretty much every single major restaurant chain can be found on the OMR. We even have an Amelies open here now!

Ah yes where were we with the scoreboard? 1-1 right?

OMR - 2 | ECR - 1

Showkali: There's more originality on the ECR. 🙄

Nobody asked you Showkali. Next question?

Which is the place for fitness enthusiasts? OMR or ECR?

You guys should just walk over and scroll to the next question.

Yes, ECR is good for long weekend cycling rides to Mahabs but OMR has many more people jogging and cycling on a regular basis. This is thanks to the broad roads and the service lanes on the OMR. Where do you expect people to jog on the ECR? They'd get run over on those tiny roads! 😂😂

Be it marathons or cycling, OMR is definitely better. Having cycled every day from Thoraipakkum to Royapettah I definitely vouch for OMR on this one.

OMR - 3 | ECR - 1

Lol what happened? The ECR ticker seems to be broken! 😂

My colleague Ismail is like they have to work out only because they all work in IT and have Cholesterol.

First, it was only Showkali and now it's Ismail who's also torturing me. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Which has more places to chill? OMR or ECR?

What does the OMR not have? From rock climbing to malls. We have it all.

What does the ECR have? Now you're going to say beach! Beach! That only na? For how long da?

For how long are you guys going to say beach for everything? It's just like these Ajith fans. For anything and everything

Mangatha da! Beach da!


Showkali: 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Well yea, okay maybe you guys have the Wild Tribe Ranch and the GoKarting venture and the sea breeze and okay, okay enough. These guys will even say all their terraces are hangout spots just because they're able to see the beach.

Showkali: Too many 'or's. 🤔 Makesh's Terrace! 😍

Leela's balcony which you'll see below is better. Period.

Guess we're evenly matched with the number of cinema theaters as well.

Yea yea fine, you guys can have this one.

OMR - 3 | ECR - 2

Highrise apartments on the OMR

One of the most basic requirements when it comes to livelihood would be putting a roof on top of your head. The highrise apartments of the OMR give the beach view apartments a run for their money here.

I've been to both beach houses and highrise apartments and I've got to say, the beach view apartments just can't match the feel of the 25th floor on a TVH.

You can literally see the sea, the village, the highway, and the city.
If the thought the New York lights were beautiful, you should see Chennai at night from that high up.

No talk only, it's definitely OMR!!

OMR - 3 | ECR - 2

Lol, do you guys really want to compete!? 😂

The Verdict!

Well from the looks of this, isn't it very obvious!?

So the winner is... and the winner isss.... issssss.......




Showkali: Dai.

Under humanitarian considerations the winning side is ECR. 😢

I can keep going on and on and on. There are so many other factors with which we could compare so I figured, I can do dedicated posts with that soon! 😋

Oh yea, ECR because even though OMR clearly has the upper hand with everything, ECR is calmer and more peaceful to live among the two.

Yes, OMR is like a mini-city, you don't have to leave it but here's what one of my friends, Gangadhar said when I was arguing with him.

OMR is made by man. ECR is made by nature. 🌱

There was nothing I could say! I've heard a lot of my friends say this though. OMR is good for working and other things but ECR is for living.

So saving the other good content for future posts, for now, we declare ECR the winners! ⚐

But you networking folks agree right? 😢

Have you ever heard of a networking event on the ECR? LOL.

With that, I'm going to tell you about the kickass events on the OMR this weekend!

Huge shoutouts to Sneha Elizabeth, Smitha Joyce, Raghav Shankar, Christopher Kapoor, John Tharakan George, Abishek and Likhith Krishna for the kickass pictures you guys just saw! 😁

Saturday - 30th November 2019

Fair warning. Pretty much all the events today will be talking about the Chennai Storytellers meet! 😂

[CANCELLED] Advance Product Ownership - One Day Workshop

09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Noopeeeee. Okay, maybe you can go for this, stay there till 10:30 and come to Chargebee! Or you can always go after the meet!

See I'm even giving you an option here! 😋

Event Website: https://www.meetup.com/agile-30-Chennai/events/266605281/

Event Location: Novotel Chennai OMR

Chennai Laravel November Meetup

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

*Major Pun Alert*

Avril Lavigne why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?

Geddit? Geddit?

Event Website: https://allevents.in/chennai/chennai-laravel-november-meetup/80002901950880

Event Location: Vsion Tech Park Private Limited

Explore Product Scaling and Usage of OKR's in Product

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Why Yaag? Whyyyyy? 😭😭

Event Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/explore-product-scaling-and-usage-of-okrs-in-product-tickets-83308161955

Event Location: Chennai - SPACES Olympia

Mantra for building successful products

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This one is going to be MAD! (Pun intended! 😂😂)

But nooo, you have to come to Chargebee for a kickass gathering!

Event Website: https://www.womenwhocode.com/chennai/events

Event Location: Mad Street Den

Game of Roles - The Sales VS Marketing Face-off

10:45 AM - 01:00 PM

*Drumroll begins*

Showkali: Heads-up folks. He's going to be bragging so much that you're going to want to cancel your registration.

It's here! It's finally here! The biggest, the badest, the awesomest Sales and Marketing meet EVER!

All the latest trends, a stellar panel, some forced networking, and the icing? Tons and tons of fun guaranteed!

To our first major step together as a tribe! 🍻

Event Website: Sorry love, the registrations are closed but if you have to, have to be there, let me know and I'll sneak you in! 😋

Event Location: Chargebee

Product Marketing for B2B SaaS Startups

11:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Why Sahiba? Whyyyyy? 😭😭

Event Website: https://hub.hellomeets.com/e/b2b-saas-marketing-for-startups

Event Location: Cardinality.ai

AI Enablement

01:30 PM - 05:30 PM

You can head to this after the Game of Roles! 🙃

Showkali: You're going to talk about Game of Roles in every single post aren't you!?

You know me too well Showkali! 😋

Event Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ai-enablement-tickets-81448124533

Event Location: IIT Madras Research Park

[Rescheduled to next week] Digital Marketing Meetup

04:00 PM - 07:00 PM

I know where I'm going after the Game of Roles in the morning! You joining me?

Showkali: I knew it, I just knew it. You had to pull the storytellers into this as well! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Event Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/573006156797295/

Event Location: Akshar Arbol International School

High on Startups - Networking Over a beer

05:30 PM - 08:30 PM

Are you even networking if you don't have a beer in your hand!? 🍻

Event Website: https://www.meetup.com/IndianStartupsChennai/events/266310858/

Event Location: Unicorn Bar

Sunday - 1st December 2019

Eesh December. November is over! 😶

Yes, I feel you!

Digital Masters Conference

08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Woah some next level Digital Marketing Conference!

It says sold out but you should be able to get in touch with the organizers if you really want to go!

P.S- It isn't exactly cheap! 😅

Event Website: https://www.digitalmastersconference.com/chennai/

Event Location: Feathers A Radha Hotel

Dynamic Programming - DSA session 6 - Theory & Hands-on

10:00 AM - 02:00 PM

If you have the energy to go here after the super fun event by the Storytellers yesterday, sure by all means! 😁

Event Website: https://www.meetup.com/Chennai-Sci-Fi-AI-DS-Machine-Learning-Meetup/events/266564374/

Event Location: Trust Conference Hall

Become a REACT Developer by CodersProfile.io

10:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Should you become an Android Developer or an iOS Developer?

Why not both!? 😎🖖🏼

Event Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/become-a-react-developer-by-codersprofileio-tickets-83478613781

Event Location: Kriyates

You can attend all the other events provided

Showkali: Provided they attend the Chennai Storytellers Meet right?

Yep and if you are one, you can join the

WhatsApp group at bit.ly/chennaistorytellers

Damn, this week's post is coming out so late. But you know what,

kaushikkannan.com/events was updated on Wednesday itself!

That is where you should be if you want to plan your weekend much in advance! 😄

I hope all of you ECR Riderzzz are happy.

Until next weekend. Here's my LinkedIn Handle where I'd love to share my learnings with you and learn from you as well. 😄

Much Love! Godspeed! 🖖🏼

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